Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Plant Orgy Love Child

I've written in the past about Camas flowers- Camassia sp.  I have a breeding project underway to develop new color patterns in the flowers.  So far, I'm at the F1 hybrid stage, where all the plants are homogeneous and boring.  

Out in my garden is a growing hybrid swarm.  I grow the three main species of Camas- C. leichtlinii, C. quamash, and C. cusickii.  They bloom at roughly the same time, so they have all sorts of slutty inter-species sex, resulting in hordes of hybrid offspring.

One such plant bloomed for the first time this year, revealing its crazy flowers.

I'm not sure if I need to improve on that at all at this point.  I will propagate the shit out of this one, while mixing its genetics into my breeding project.  

Fun times!

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