Sunday, July 24, 2022

Mosquito Hell

This year has been a nightmare for mosquitoes in my area.  It was a really wet spring, which allowed some species of mosquito to hatch out in unprecedented numbers.  In order to go out in my garden- even in the full sun- I have to keep myself slathered in DEET.  They bite me anyway.

I've taken to walking down by the river, as I do most summers.  I can usually keep the mosquitoes at bay if I don't stop.  Today, however, I had to pee, so I had to step off the main trail into the shade.  They were all over me instantly.  God, I hate those little fuckers.

I came back out into the sunshine, where there are lots of what I take to be Clarkias.  I know they are in the family Onagraceae, at least. I suspect they were planted there with a mix of wildflower seeds, since I don't see them growing in other areas. 

For the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking of collecting seeds from these plants this fall.  they are really pretty impressive.

Today, as I was cursing and fleeing the mosquitoes, I came across this plant:

The markings on the petals are really striking.  I will definitely be collecting seed from this plant, if not cuttings.  I'm not sure if this is an annual or perennial species, so I will try both.  The variation was not quite as unique as I had first thought, however.  I found a handful of other plants with similar markings- though not quite as dramatic as these.  I doubt this is a rare mutation that is one-of-a-kind discovery, but it will be a fun plant to grow in the garden.  

Now if only those fucking mosquitoes would die...


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