Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just to prove that I'm not a monster...

This is a variegated Chimaphila umbellifera that lives up near Mt. Hood in Oregon.  As much as I would have loved to propagate this little gem, it is reputedly so difficult to grow that I left it where it was.  I do plan to go visit it anytime I'm in its neighborhood, however :)  This species is circumboreal, though different subspecies are found here versus in Eurasia.  It has complex micorrhizal relationships with companion plants, so transplanting it is almost guaranteed to fail.

I stumbled upon this one in an area that had several interesting mutations- all within a few hundred yards of each other.  Was there some odd radiation event?  Evil spirits?  Too much Mumford and Sons played on a stereo at a nearby campground?   I am very curious about this little area, and I plan to spend some more time there this year.  Maybe I'll get vitiligo, myself...

Variegations are one of the most common mutations that I see out in the woods- the other one being dwarfism to varying degrees.  Once you start to develop an eye for them, you start to see that they are not as rare as you might think...

Wait... this wasn't as potty-mouthed as my title suggests.  Fuck.

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